- Alfred L. & Eva Jean Barr Scholarship
- Alice Dwyer Alexander Memorial Scholarship
- Amy M. Sharpless Scholarship
- Aylor Scholarship
- Betty Glover Getty Memorial Scholarship
- Blackburn-Brown Scholarship
- Blair M. Haines Jr. Scholarship
- C. Edwin Jordan - Reeves Scholarship
- Carol/Gary Athey Memorial Scholarship
- Catherine Parish Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Charles I. "Skip" and Nancy J. Homan Scholarship
- Chester D. Harman M.D. Memorial Scholarship
- Dana G. & Viola U. Lough Memorial Scholarship
- David G. & Leontine B. Nuzum Scholarship
- Dean Kirkland S. & Beatrice H. McKee Memorial Sch.
- Donna Fortner Careers in Education Memorial Scholarship
- Dorothy Wilson Scholarship
- Douglas E. & Bonita E. Haines Scholarships
- Dr. Allen E. Murphy Scholarship
- Dr. Bruce O. Snider Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Nancy M. Miller Memorial Scholarship
- Dudley W.G. Gordon Memorial Scholarship
- Dulin Memorial Scholarship
- Edna H. & David H. Trenton Scholarship
- Elizabeth A. Atwater Student Scholarship
- Elizabeth Rehlmeyer Tabler Memorial Scholarship
- Elmore Scholarship
- Ervin L. & Agnes McGuffie Dayton Memorial Scholarship
- Evelyn Bane Bright Arts & Sciences Scholarship
- Gay Mellon Scholarship
- Gerstell Agriculture Scholarship
- Gibbs-Naughton Families Scholarship
- Graydon M. and Thelma Richards Scholarship
- Haggerty Family Scholarship
- Harley O. Staggers Sr. Scholarship
- Henry L. Gates, Sr. & Pauline C. Gates Scholarship
- HotStove Baseball Scholarship
- J. Paul & Agnes VanMetre Kiser Memorial Scholarship
- J. William Marker Endowed Scholarship
- James T. Handlan, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
- Joe Wilkins Memorial Scholarship
- John D. Gelwicks Memorial Scholarship
- John E. Brown Scholarship
- Johnson Family Scholarship
- Kenneth Franklin Haines Scholarship
- Kenneth M. Malone Agriculture Scholarship
- Kevin C. Robertson Memorial Scholarship
- Larry G. Bolyard Sr. Scholarship
- Leonard G. Withers Liberal Arts Scholarship
- Lester Beavers Memorial Scholarship
- Liebig Family Scholarship
- Lion Danny Long Scholarship
- Lois E. Miltenberger Agriculture Scholarship
- Lorna and Simeon M. Bright Memorial Scholarship
- Loyalty Memorial Scholarship
- Lulu May Heskitt Scholarship
- Lynch Memorial Scholarship
- Mark and Eleanor Campbell Scholarship
- Mauzy-Harris Parrish Scholarship
- Melvin L. & Mary B. Brown Scholarship
- Mike Landis Football Scholarship
- Minor C. & Mattie B. Nestor Athletic Scholarship
- Moore-Church Scholarship
- Mountainside Marines Detachment 1071 Scholarship
- Noah (Woody) Anderson Scholarship
- Norvin L. Bowyer Scholarship
- Odus R. Kincaid Memorial Scholarship
- Orval J. Anderson Memorial Scholarship
- Oscar "Gus" Gustafson Agriculture Scholarship
- Pete Ladygo Sr. Memorial Scholarship
- Potomac State College Alumni Association Scholarship
- PSC/Livengood Scholarship
- Ralph & Jo Ann Newbanks Scholarship
- Ramona Minear Sullivan Memorial Scholarship
- Ray Ralph Hartman Memorial Scholarship
- Raymond E. Dawson Memorial Scholarship
- Raymond E. Gilhart PSC Endowed Scholarship
- Richard W. Beckner Scholarship
- Ronald R. Bowser Scholarship
- Ruth Ward Davis Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Ruth Westfall Bonnett Scholarship
- Scott A. Bolyard Memorial Scholarship
- Skip Hackworth SCholarship
- Stanislawzyk Scholarship
- Sylvester J. Dearbeck Memorial Scholarship
- Taylor/Galbraith Scholarship
- Thelma E. Walden Scholarship
- Thomas & Thelma O'Connor Scholarship
- Thomas E. & Stella V. Brown Baseball Textbook Sch.
- Thomas R. & Bess Bosley Educational Endowment
- Tony Whitmore Endowed Scholarship
- W. Robert & Patricia Grafton Scholarship
- W. Ward & Bonnie Harvey Scholarship
- Walker Family Scholarship
- Walter & Helen Tetrick Journalism Scholarship
- William & Mary Kennedy Scholarship
- William E. Michael Scholarship
- WV Society of Washington, DC Book Scholarship