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big univerSIty benefits

Benefit from the big-college experience on a smaller campus while earning a two- or four-year degree. Learn more about saving on your WVU degree!

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Review Tuition, Fees and Other Costs Scholarships Financial Aid Net Price Calculator

Tuition and fees are usually not the only educational expenses you may have while pursuing a degree. You may have other costs such as books, supplies, and living expenses. Please see the Estimate Costs & Aid webpage for how to estimate and plan for other potential expenses.

wv invests grant program

Earn an Associate Degree for Free 
*Available to WV Residents Only


WVU Guarantee is open to undergraduate students across the WVU System who are West Virginia residents, have a family AGI of $65,000 or less and annually complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Learn More About WVU Guarantee 


Exciting news! WVU Potomac State College has expanded their Metro Tuition Rate to now include  ALL residents of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. This expansion offers a savings of up to  $5000 per academic year

Metro Tuition Rate 


Ohio students who are fully admitted to certain approved majors can enroll at WVU and pay in-state tuition rates through the Ohio Tuition Reciprocity Agreement.

Ohio Reciprocity 

Housing and Food

Need to get a quick housing and food rate? Our housing and food are very affordable.

Rates for room and board cost per year.
Rates Cost Per Year
Housing $5,698
Food $5,128

(*Estimated rates for 2024-25. Rates are subject to change. Listed costs are based on two semesters with a minimum of 12 credits each. Housing and food costs are based on double occupancy in a residence hall and a 15-meal plan.   Calculate your cost.)

Housing and Food Per Semester

find your resources

With financial aid, scholarships and grants,
you’ll find Potomac State tuition very affordable. 

In fact, we're one of the nation's most affordable four-year colleges, as ranked by the U.S. Department of Education.

Tuition and Fees

Potomac State has one of the lowest tuitions of any four-year college in West Virginia.

More About Tuition and Fees

Financial Aid

Begin the financial aid process by submitting the FAFSA as early as possible – between Oct. 1 and March 1 – at

More About Financial Aid


Potomac State offers a variety of scholarships to qualified students, including academic and athletic awards.

More About Scholarships

Estimate Your Costs

Looking for a quick ballpark figure of what your Potomac State education will cost? We’ve got you covered.

More About Estimating Your Costs


Federal and state grant programs can help pay your college costs. Grants are typically need-based and not required to be paid back.

More About Grants

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