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Transfer FAQs

Transferring credit from other domestic institutions

When will my transfer credits be processed at PSC?

Please allow 5-7 business days for your coursework to be articulated to your record. If coursework appears missing, please contact the PSC Office of Enrollment Services to confirm receipt of your official transcripts. You may contact the Office of Enrollment Services by emailing them at or calling the office at 304-788-6820.

Do grades transfer?

Yes, PSC transfers all credits and grades from college level coursework.

How do I know my classes will transfer to PSC?

All college level (non-remedial) coursework from regionally accredited institutions are transferrable to PSC.  Coursework completed at non-regionally accredited schools, credit earned via military experience or professional certification requires approval by the Dean’s office and the department awarding the credit.

What if my previously attended school institution is not in the “Transfer Credit Database”?

Institutions and courses not in the database have not yet been evaluated. Please utilize our  Transfer Equivalency Review Request system to have the course(s) reviewed for equivalency.

If my courses are found to be not equivalent to any PSC/WVU courses, can I follow up with the PSC department that coordinates the course for their evaluation?

If you have already completed the request through the WVU Transfer Equivalency website, then you should reach out to for any further questions.

What grade do I need to earn in a course for it to transfer?

PSC transfers in all grades of A-F. Please note that certain majors may require minimum grades in specific courses to satisfy major requirements.

What if I can’t find my copy of the course syllabus?

Students who do not have a recent course syllabus are encouraged to contact their course instructor, or the department that housed the course at their previous institution.

When do I need to send a transcript?

Students are encouraged so send their transcripts to PSC as soon as their grades have been posted by their previous/current institution, or as soon as possible.

Where do I send my official transcripts?

All official documents, such as transcripts should be sent to The Office Enrollment Services. Documents can be mailed to 75 Arnold St., Keyser, WV 26726. Or official copies can be sent electronically through Parchment or by email to

What if I took courses a long time ago?

Depending on the age of your coursework, additional work and evaluation may be needed to determine a course is still equivalent. Certain subjects may have restrictions on how long an equivalency may stand given changing content within a field. All coursework taken prior to 2001 is articulated with the SUBJ xTC, with the appropriate subject code and level of the transfer course utilized.


Advanced Placement

How do I send my AP scores to PSC?

When taking advanced placement exams, students need to select PSC as one of the recipient institutions. If they didn't select PSC or WVU as a recipient institution when they took the AP test, they will need to submit a request to College Board to send them.

What score do I need to earn PSC credit?

PSC will award credit for any exam in which a score of 3 or higher is earned.

I’ve sent my AP scores, but they aren’t showing on Degree Works.

For first time freshmen, advanced placement exam scores are not automatically articulated to the student’s record, but may be requested to be so through an Advanced Placement Articulation Request. If a student’s scores have been received, they will appear at the bottom of the Degree Works audit, under the “Not Counted” category, where they remain until they are requested to be utilized. If the scores do not appear there, students should contact the Office of Enrollment Services to confirm their receipt.

Should I take credit through AP exams or dual enrollment?

There are several factors that may impact this decision, including cost, availability of courses during school hours, etc. Regarding factors related to academics, it is important to remember that dual enrollment courses carry a grade that will impact a student’s overall GPA at WVU, while courses awarded via advanced placement do not. All these factors should be considered before choosing between these two options

What does 1AP mean?

1AP is a coding used when credit is awarded for an exam score, but that score does not have a direct equivalent. This will count as elective credit in the respective subject, and depending on the exam and score, may be utilized to satisfy general education requirements.

Can I have all or just some of my AP credits count before beginning my first semester at PSC?

First time freshmen have the option to request any, none, or all of their Advanced Placement equivalencies be articulated to the record. Students should consult with their academic advisor to determine the most advantageous courses to articulate.

Why don’t I see my AP exams on the transfer credit report?

First time freshmen students do not have their  Advanced Placement equivalents automatically awarded at the time of enrollment. Students should consult with their academic advisor to request the exam equivalents that are most advantageous to their degree.

College credit during high school

I am a first-time freshman who has not yet started my first semester at PSC. If I am taking coursework in the summer before I attend PSC, do I go through the transient process or are they transferred in like courses taken while in high school?

Dual enrollment courses taken while in high school do not fall under transient policies. Please request an official transcript from the institution through which your courses.

How do I earn transfer credit for dual enrollment classes I took in high school?

Students who took college level courses in high should submit an official transcript from the institution that offered the courses to the Office of Enrollment Services. Once received, your coursework will be articulated to your PSC record before you attend a New Student Orientation.

Is there a maximum number of dual enrollment credits I can transfer to PSC?

No, all credits from dual enrollment courses (that are college level and not remedial) will transfer into PSC. Students must meet all degree requirements and the PSC residency requirement to be awarded a PSC degree.

Am I considered a transfer student if I took college courses in high school?

No, only students who have attended another institution after graduating high school, and completed 24 credit hours or more, are considered transfer students.

My school is now offering dual enrollment courses. How can I make sure the courses will transfer to WVU?

Students are encouraged check  the WVU transfer credit database to ensure that the school and course have been previously reviewed. For courses not yet in the database, students may submit a syllabus for review through  the Transfer Equivalency Review Request system.


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